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Stick Veterans 1.1 (Grenades, Body Armor)

Found the time and courage to push out another update for Stick Veterans. Version 1.1 brings hand grenades and body armor into the game, among other additions.

Body armor is just a way to endure more damage (RPGs will no longer frag you in one shot). Grenades are quite a game changer, as it means you will have more strategic ways to fight your opponents, but you'll also have one more hazard to look out for. :)

Finally, a feature called Game Rules has been added. This allows customization of score limit, grenade acquisition rules, respawn delay, and a few more rules. More might be added in the future.

To be honest, there were more features that I wanted to include in this update. Seeing how I lacked the time to finish them in a reasonable timeframe, and knowing that there were some pending bugfixes, I decided to push this update as it is. This doesn't make the update any less important, though.

I can't promise when a new update will come again, and certainly can't promise what it will contain. Time will tell; until then, thank you for supporting us. =)

- Kostas


  1. creo que me centrare en hacer demasiados mapas en 2D ya que eso me alivia un poco el estres, espero y que este juego maravilloso siga creciendo, suerte con su progreso, por cierto, mi nickname es VirusT, por si alguien mira mis mapas 2D.

    Suerte JunkBytes :D

    1. I've seen your maps and they are awesome! Thanks for the kind words and hope you always enjoy the game!


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