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Ludum Dare 44 (late update): Alleycat Faust

Two months ago was the time at which the Ludum Dare 44 gamejam took place. It's been 2 years since I took part in a gamejam (Global Game Jam in 2017), and 3 years since I took part in my first Ludum Dare (LD35 in 2016), so it was about time I re-lived the experience.

The resulting game, Alleycat Faust, is something I was quite happy about, but unfortunately I was short of time during that weekend and never properly completed the game.

The two months that followed after that were equally busy, so I only now got to finish and polish the game as I intended to. I think I can call this closure, better late than never.

Check out the finished game at my, in your browser or as downloadable game.

Special thanks to George Baltatzis and Georgie Bogie for their support, and Baltatzis specifically for making the game's awesome BG music at such short notice.

My last post was December 2018, wow time flies.



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